A Review Of 2020 At Training Solutions NI


When we look back at 2020, our thoughts will be filled with memories of the Corona virus, the significant number of deaths it caused, the pressure on the health service, numerous lockdowns and the marathon of the Brexit negotiations.
Hopefully we will still be able to think of some positives that happened in 2020 too.

In Training Solutions, we started the year with a new leaner management structure. This worked magnificently. Our staff rose to the challenge and did a great job. This new structure was also a big advantage to us when we entered lockdown with all staff being furloughed.

We had a very good start to the year with all our courses having good numbers. The Nebosh and City and Guilds electrical courses were very highly populated and as usual we had a great number of CSR, ILM and IOSH courses. With mounting pressure from the Virus, we entered a lockdown on the 23rd March that was expected to last for three or four weeks but ended up with us completely closed until the end of June. Our Nebosh and other examinations were cancelled.

In preparation for a start up we developed a full Covid Risk Assessment including new operating procedures and classroom and building modifications.
This ‘new world’ of operating added significant workload to the staff but they fully accepted it and did a sterling job that allowed us to return to training in a safe and effective way. This included the 2 metre rule, masks and hand sanitiser.

From the start up in June to the end of 2020 we had excellent turn outs for our classes. In the ‘new structured rooms’ we were fully booked out in Nebosh, City and Guilds, CSR and IOSH courses. We also secured significant contracts for Safe Isolation and Basic Electrical and Mechanical that resulted in the workshop being fully utilized from August until December.
We have a great team of associate tutors. Their dedication and support was paramount in making this happen.

We added new customers, renewed our ISO 9001 award, added the 2919 City and Guilds Electrical Vehicle Installation course and invested in our IT Suite with new pc’s. We also secured a contract with PSI platform for Chartered Institute of Insurance and other on-line examinations.
We also added new tutors in a range of areas.

So for us here at Training Solutions NI, 2020 was not all gloom. Considering the unprecedented times we found ourselves in, we had an excellent year thanks to the commitment and dedication of a great group of staff and tutors.

I would also wish to thank all our existing customers for their ongoing support in this difficult year. I hope that we did not let you down. And to the vast number of new customers that we added throughout the year, welcome to the Training Solutions family. Forefront in our business strategy is that ‘The customer is the key to business success’. We will strive to do the best we can to satisfy your needs.

We are now in another lockdown to stem the spread of the virus until the vaccine can do its job. We have a significant number of advance bookings for 2021 and we are hoping for a new normality to appear in the near future.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Jim Stewart CBE, Managing Director

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